Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Final Reflection C&I 579

                What attitudes, skills, and concepts have you gained from participating in the course so far?
The most important attitude I have gained from this course so far is the idea that I can do it. I was very intimidated by technology before this course. I knew how to do what I needed to do for work, but exploring new websites and ways to interact with the internet was intimidating. I now, because of this course, am able to attack new tasks with confidence. I now know where to look for help if I do not know what to do (youtube) and understand the jargon of the technology world.

Other than that, which I view as being very important, I have also gained concepts and skills of interacting with the internet for the academic advancement of my students. I am excited and have already begun to build voicethreads and other interactive activities for my students to do at home with their parents. I teach early childhood so completely “flipping” my classroom would not be applicable, but involving parents/guardians with home internet activities will definitely add to my classroom environment.

                What have you learned in the course that you will not forget tomorrow?
I will not forget voicethread and the jargon or vocabulary of the technology world. I have highly enjoyed voicethread and can see many benefits for my students, parents, and I. I will also not forget the importance of networking and interacting with others through the web. Connections, both professionally and personally, are important and can be facilitated through the internet. Having the opportunity to explore twitter for networking purposes has been very beneficial. 

                How will you apply what you have learned to your teaching and future learning?
First and foremost I will continue to use the websites I have used during this course to involve my students and their families in their academic achievement. Aside from the obvious, I am also going to continue to explore what else is out their for my students and how I, as an early childhood educator, can begin building 21st century skills for my students. I can also advocate and educate other educators in my district regarding the technology world, what is available, and how we as a district and team can help keep our students on the front edge of education.
As a future learner I will take the attitude I have built in this class of confidence when it comes to the “daunting” world of technology. I now know that I can and with time and patience I am able to accomplish what is asked of me. I am able to explore and learn in order to keep myself on the front edge of technology in the education world. 

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